UK speeding fine increases could mean 150% of weekly wages for serious cases

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A significant rise in charges for drivers that exceed the speed limit on UK roads will apply from the 24th of April.

Currently, speeding fines are calculated based on the severity of the offence and how much the offender earns per week.

The previous maximum amount could be up to 100 percent of an individual’s weekly wage, capped at £1000 for non-motorway offences.

The new changes to the Road Traffic Act (1984) will introduce a further 50 percent for ‘Band C’ offences but retain the same maximum possible total.

So if you earn £500 a week, your maximum potential speeding fine will rise from £500 to £750 and so on.

The speeding fine increases will also apply to UK motorways but the capped maximum will stay the same, at £2,500.

What won’t change

These speeding fine increases affect the potential maximum amounts paid by offenders but the minimum fixed penalty will remain unchanged.

For any speeding offence, the starting point of £100 and three points, will stand, with some caveats.

Drivers with no previous offences, exemplary records, or even evidence that they were required to break the speed limit may avoid these.

Measures such as speed awareness courses can be offered to some – but if you already have points on your licence, this won’t be an option.

What do speeding fine changes mean for you?

Traffic law specialist David Lawson highlights how the law changes could affect drivers who speed.

‘The main group of people who will be affected by this legislation are those who are caught speeding and earn less than around £350 per week.

‘For many drivers, as big a concern as the financial cost is the potential effects of further being added to a licence.

‘Obviously these can affect insurance premiums and sometimes lead to disqualification from driving, which can be disastrous for families, employers and individuals.

‘It’s certainly important to seek sound legal advice before deciding how to respond to a motoring offence charge that could have serious repercussions.’

Comprehensive information on which fines will apply to different types of offence can be found on the website of the Sentencing Council.

If you’d like to talk to a specialist speeding fine solicitor or want to discuss any mitigating circumstances relating to alleged motoring offences, contact us to discuss your requirements, or alternatively visit our dedicated road traffic law website at

