No Insurance – Special Reasons Hearing

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David Leach Criminal Solicitor deals with Road Traffic Law

David Leach Criminal Solicitor deals with Road Traffic Law

Our client was stopped by the police in March 2015 for driving without Insurance. Although our client had transferred his insurance in December 2014, in the presence of the salesman at the car showroom, it transpired that the insurance company had not put our client on cover.

Driving without insurance is an absolute offence in these circumstances and as such our client had to plead guilty to the offence, which he did. The matter was listed for a special reasons hearing because our client was actively misled into thinking he was covered by the insurance company.

The hearing took place at Burnley Magistrates Court yesterday and the magistrates found special reasons; our client was sentenced to an absolute discharge and the court did not endorse his licence or make any award for costs.

This is not an uncommon scenario with more and more people purchasing their insurance online and receiving their paperwork electronically.

If you have any issues similar to the above then you can contact our specialist road traffic department at DRN Solicitors.

