DRN Solicitors & Lincoln House Successfully Save Local Taxi Drivers Livelihood

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David Lawson of DRN Solicitors in Burnley and Tim Storrie, Barrister at Lincoln House, Manchester, successfully opposed an appeal brought by Burnley Borough Council in respect of a Private Hire Drivers Licence.

The Driver had his licence revoked by the council. He appealed to the magistrates who decided that the decision to revoke his licence was wrong, following this the council appealed to the Crown Court. DRN’s Regulatory department and Lincoln House represented the driver in an appeal heard at Burnley Crown Court. The Councils appeal was dismissed and the driver was allowed to retain his licence.

The loss of his licence would have meant loss of livelihood. DRN and Lincoln House have a history of successfully representing private hire drivers and operators. In recent years licensing authorities throughout the country have been reviewing licences on the “fit and proper person” test.

